
ANSC SEPTEMBER 2024 Update: Royal Hospital for Women

Contact details for RHW


For non-urgent clinical advice GP enquiries at RHW

Email –  SESLHD-RHWGPSCEnquiries@health.nsw.gov.au or call on 0417 995 153, if no answer, please leave a voicemail or text message.

Clinical Midwife Consultant (GP Shared Care)

  • Chantelle du Boisee (Monday-Wednesday, 8.00am-4.30pm)
  • Hwee Ling Lim (Thursday-Friday, 8.00am-4.30pm) 

If you need to speak directly to the Obstetric doctors, please call (02) 9382 6111 and ask the operator to page the on-call Obstetric Registrar for ANSC.

The Obstetric Medicine Physician Registrar can be contacted for advice Monday-Friday during business hours by calling 9382 6111. Advise the operator to page the Registrar.

For more urgent 7 day/24hr advice, contact Delivery Suite ph. 0439 869 035 or (02) 9382 6100 (from 20 weeks pregnancy).

RHW Clinical Business Rules

Access the RHW Clinical Business Rules for useful clinical policies, procedures and guidelines at RHW here – Royal Hospital for Women Policies | SESLHD.

Engage outpatients – an exciting change to the referral process

The Royal Hospital for Women introduced electronic referrals (eReferrals) in mid-June of this year. Faxed, mailed, and emailed referrals will NO longer be accepted. Follow the link for more information on the process of Electronic Referrals | SESLHD, including contact details for Healthlink technical support.

GP update – eReferrals at RHW, antenatal outpatients

RHW Antenatal eReferral Update August 2024

NB. Please ensure that all results that accompany the eReferral have the patients name on EVERY PAGE.

Case study: Breastfeeding and galactagogues

A breastfeeding case study on supporting your patients with a low supply and whether to prescribe Galactagogues – Written by Katy Hunt Lactation Consultant (CMC) at RHW.

Please contact Katy on 0436 471 845 if you would like advice or need to refer a woman for breastfeeding support.

Refer to the RHW Clinical Business Rules on Lactation and Infant feeding.

Research article: Use and experiences of galactagogues while breastfeeding among Australian women 

Research Article: Which Benefits and Harms of Using Fenugreek as a Galactagogue

Reproductive genetic carrier screening update

Click here for Reproductive Genetic Carrier Screening Update.

Pregnancy Day Stay Unit (PDSU): A change to the referral process for iron infusions

Clinicians are now required to call the ANW MUM Rachel Halpin on 0499 825 682 to make a booking at the PDSU. 

Please refer to recently updated clinical business rule on  Iron Deficiency, Anaemia and Haemoglobinopathies

RHW Information sheets for you patients on dietary iron and oral iron treatments in pregnancy:

Increasing Dietary Iron in Pregnancy

Oral Iron Treatment in Pregnancy