
ANSC SEPTEMBER 2024 update: St George and Sutherland hospitals

SGS clinical advice and support 

For clinical issues and escalation, contact the O&G registrar on (02) 9113 1111 page 898.

For all other concerns, contact the Midwifery Unit Manager for Antenatal Services on 9113 1111 page 582.

New email for GPs to contact ANSC midwife at St George Hospital

There is a new email for the GPs to communicate with the ANSC liaison midwife: SESLHD-StGeorge-GPSC@health.nsw.gov.au. This email will be answered weekly for non-urgent communication.

GPs are welcome to book a clinical refresher at St George Hospital antenatal clinic on Tuesdays. Contact the Midwifery Unit Manager on 9113 1111 to arrange a date.

For relevant clinical information, please view South East Sydney Healthpathways.

New email for GPs to contact ANSC midwife at The Sutherland Hospital

There is a new email for the GPs to communicate with the ANSC liaison midwife for non-urgent issues or results at The Sutherland Hospital:  seslhd-tsh-GPSC@health.nsw.gov.au.

SGS ANSC Protocol Guidelines and Protocol Summary


Protocol Summary

NSW Health Pathology and HealthLink

NSW Health Pathology sends electronic results to GPs via HealthLink. If you are not registered with HealthLink, please do so here. If you are registered with HealthLink but have not registered this with NSW Health Pathology, please complete this form to become set up to receive electronic results.

Antenatal Referral Form

The SGS Antenatal Referral form is currently being updated. The integrated versions of the form for Best Practice and Medical Director will be included in the next ANSC newsletter. The PDF version has been updated and is accessible here.

Sutherland Hospital Diabetes Service

Sutherland Hospital now has its own Diabetes service that GPs can refer to directly when a diagnosis of GDM occurs. The team includes a Nurse Practitioner, Diabetes Educators and Dietician. To refer directly to the service please email your referral form to seslhd-tsh-diabetesclinic@health.nsw.gov.au and include relevant results.

Breastfeeding classes at St George Hospital

FREE breastfeeding classes are offered by the Lactation Consultant for women who wish to have more information about breastfeeding.
Classes are held:

  • Wednesdays at 12.30pm in the South maternity ward on level one in the hospital or,
  • Thursdays at 9am in the antenatal clinic, Prichard wing.

Pregnant patients can book in at antenatal appointments or by contacting 9113 2162.

Spanish antenatal education at St George Hospital

An increasing number of women of South American background, are accessing maternity care through SGH. Many speak limited English and accessing antenatal education in language, is challenging.

St George is offering a suite of 3 sessions, with the aid of a Spanish interpreter.

  1. Emotional Wellbeing in pregnancy and transitioning to motherhood.
  2. Normal birth. Pain Relief in labour. Instrumental birth. Caesarean Section.
  3. Newborn Baby. Changes in the postpartum period. Postnatal Depression. Child and Family Health.

These classes will be held on 4th October, 24th and 31st October respectively.

For inquiries, contact Noreen Murray 9113 1111, page 582.

General updates

  • Communication between the hospital and GPs is being enhanced after an internal review of ANSC processes and feedback from GPs.
  • Continuity of care – we are working towards improved continuity of care for all women in the antenatal space. This has benefits for the women in terms of quality of care and risk minimisation. Continuity also increases the midwives job satisfaction.