
Were you a recipient of the Strengthening Medicare GP Grant Program?

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This is a friendly reminder regarding your requirement to complete the Financial Acquittal Report (FAR) and Self-Evaluation Survey by 31 July 2024, as part of the funding provided under the Strengthening Medicare – General Practice Grants Program (GP Grants Program).

Financial Acquittal Report submission

The deadline to spend the grant funding was 30 June 2024 and has now ended. An authorised representative of your general practice will need to complete and submit the FAR before 31 July 2024. The FAR will assist us in acquitting the grant funds provided to your practice. If your practice has been unable to spend the entire grant amount, please reach out to CESPHN at gpgrants@cesphn.com.au to discuss prior to completing the FAR.

Complete and submit the FAR for your practice

Self-Evaluation Survey submission:

The Self-Evaluation Survey is also available online. The Survey will provide valuable data to the Department of Health and Aged Care on the GP Grants Program. 

Complete and submit the Self-Evaluation Survey

If you require any assistance, or have questions regarding the FAR or Self-Evaluation Survey, please contact CESPHN at gpgrants@cesphn.com.au