
Strengthening Medicare GP Grants program – Closure of activities

The Strengthening Medicare GP Grants program will close soon.

Practices are strongly encouraged to spend their grant funding before the end of the program which is 30 June 2024

For guidance on how to spend your grant funding under each investment stream, please refer to the GP Grants Investment – Quick Reference Guide for general practices resource. 

At the end of the Program, practices are required to complete an online financial acquittal form, listing grant funding expenditure and an online self-evaluation form to indicate how the grant has improved your practice in line with the program objectives.

We encourage practices to make every effort to complete the online forms as soon as practicable after the grant funding has been spent on eligible activities, and no later than 31 July 2024 for completion of all reporting against the program.

The links to the forms can be found below: 

When completing the above forms you will need your Agreement ID number. This can be found at the top of page 3 of your Agreement from CESPHN.

You will also need to select which Primary Health Network (PHN) your practice is in – for your practice, please select Central and Eastern Sydney.

CESPHN will follow up with general practices on the GP Grants Program soon via email. If you have any questions or need any support, please contact the Practice Support Team at practicesupport@cesphn.com.au.