Sexual Health and Viral Hepatitis

Objective:  To focus on high priority groups sexual health and viral hepatitis to meet the needs of our local communities. This will be achieved through collaboration, pathways and partnerships with key stakeholders, commissioned initiatives and workforce education and training.

CESPHN recognises that sexual health is a key priority issue, having the highest rates of STIs in the state, with all STIs increasing across the region, with the exception of HIV. The areas within the CESPHN region with the highest STI notification rates tend to be in inner city areas where there is also a higher number of general practices skilled in sexual health, and a higher density of sexual health clinics, therefore a higher detection rate.

CESPHN is one of only two metropolitan PHNs with a prevalence of chronic hepatitis C (CHC) above the national average, in addition to having the third highest prevalence of chronic hepatitis B (CHB) in Australia.

For relevant clinical information, please view Sydney Health Pathways and South East Sydney Health Pathways.

Clinical Care Updates – Interim Recommendations regarding COVID-19 and BBVs

The ASHM COVID-19 Taskforce website is designed to provide, relevant information to clinicians and other healthcare providers to optimise the health and wellbeing of adults living with HIV and adults living with chronic hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis C, including those who are incarcerated in the Criminal Justice Setting during the COVID-19 pandemic.

For further information, outputs and resources please refer to the ASHM COVID-19 Taskforce website. 

Central and Eastern Sydney PHN Hepatitis Strategy 2021-2025

Central and Eastern Sydney PHN (CESPHN) aims to achieve the best possible care for people living with Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) and is in accordance with the CESPHN Strategic Plan 2019-2021.

The Hepatitis Strategy is intended to be a living document, and responsive to newly commissioned services and initiatives by CESPHN and changes to State and Commonwealth policies and strategies.

Information for health professionals to give to consumers

Trans and Gender Diverse Services and Support

  • TransHub– a digital information and resource platform for all trans and gender diverse (TGD) people in NSW, their loved ones, allies and health providers. This platform is an initiative from ACON.
  • transTEST – a peer-led, sexual health service for anyone who is trans or gender diverse. transTEST is a partnership between ACON and Kirketon Road Centre.
  • The Gender Centre – a peak state-wide multi-purpose service supporting transgender, gender diverse and gender questioning people at any stage of their transition (pre, mid and post transition) providing specialist services including: counselling and psychological services, housing, case management, support groups, rural outreach and much more.


  • Playsafe NSW – an online resource for young people regarding everything you need to know to have a confident and healthy sex life.
  • Patient Resources – STI fact sheets for patients developed by NSW STIPU.
  • The Drama Downunder – anonymous partner notification service provided for people who have or recently had an STI so they can advise their sexual partner/s.
  • Let Them Know – anonymous partner notification service developed by Melbourne Sexual Health Centre to help people who have been diagnosed with Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Mycoplasma genitalium, Sphillis and Trichomonas to tell their sexual partners that they might also be at risk.



  • Just diagnosed with HIV? – a printable resource to give to newly diagnosed patients.
  • Benefits of HIV treatment – a printable resource to give to newly diagnosed patients.
  • Positive Life NSW – a non-profit peer led community-based agency who works to promote a positive image of people living with and affected by HIV and to provide information and targeted referrals.
  • HIV Information Hotline – a hotline or general and/or non-urgent HIV information for anyone in NSW. Call (02) 9332 9700 or 1800 451 600 during 9am – 4pm, Monday to Friday (except on public holidays).
  • NSW Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) Hotline – an information hotline that assist patients find out where they can access PEP. Call 1800 737 669 (24-hour free call within NSW). Please note: this hotline is specifically for PEP and not a general hotline for HIV/AIDS
  • Peer Support (Positive Life NSW) –  programs initiated by and for people living with HIV, including group, peer to peer and online programs.
  • Peer Navigator (Positive Life NSW) – a peer navigator is a person living with HIV who has both lived experience and training to guide, refer, educate and connect you to the systems of care and support that a person wants and needs. A peer can support a person living with HIV to navigate, access and connect with the health and social services systems.
  • Ageing Support (Positive Live NSW) –  a peer led program that supports people over 45 years living with HIV across NSW to navigate aged care, disability and/or healthcare services.

Viral Hepatitis 

  • Hepatitis Infoline – offers free and confidential information, support and referrals across NSW. Call 1800 803 990 from 9am – 5pm on Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri, and from 1pm – 5pm on Thurs.
  • Live Hep C Free – a peer-led treatment program that brings Hep C information, testing and treatment to residential rehabilitation centres, meeting people where they are.
  • Hep Connect – Hep NSW telephone support service that puts you in touch with someone who has been through hep C treatment. Hep Connect is for people living with hep C, their partners and carers and is for people who are thinking about starting hep C treatment or are going through it.
  • Hepatitis NSW – non-profit organisation that provides easy to read and valuable information about hepatitis, from testing to treatment.
  • Tx!MAG – easy to read viral hepatitis comic magazine that features stories from people affected by hepatitis C & hepatitis B, published online by Hep NSW.
Key contacts and support services (including peak bodies)
  • ACON – a NSW based health promotion organisation specialising in HIV prevention and HIV support for people of diverse sexualities and genders.
  • The Albion Centre – healthcare facility specialising in HIV treatment, care and support for people living with HIV, viral hepatitis and STIs. Care is given by a multidisciplinary team that includes specialist doctors, nurses, pharmacists, psychologists, dieticians, social workers, researchers and health promotion officers.
  • Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine (ASHM) – peak organisations supporting the Australian, New Zealand and the Asia Pacific Region health workforce in viral hepatitis and HIV management.
  • Australasian Sexual Health & HIV Nurses Association (ASHNA) – supporting professional development and nursing networks.
  • The Australasian Chapter of Sexual Health Medicine – the peak body for physicians specialised in sexual health.
  • Australasian Sexual Health Alliance (ASHA) – group of organisations to improve national and local responses to sexual health issues, via a multidisciplinary support network for the sexual health workforce.
  • Bobby Goldsmith Foundation – non-profit organisation supporting people living with HIV to thrive.
  • Family Planning NSW – non-profit organisation providing reproductive and sexual health information and clinical services across NSW.
  • Gastroenterological Society of Australia
  • The Gender Centre – a peak state-wide multi-purpose service supporting transgender, gender diverse and gender questioning people at any stage of their transition (pre, mid and post transition) providing specialist services including: counselling and psychological services, housing, case management, support groups, rural outreach and much more.
  • Hepatitis NSW – non-profit organisation supporting the community and health professionals in relation to hepatitis.
  • HIV/AIDS Legal Centre Inc. – non-profit, specialist community legal centre, the only one of its kind in Australia.
  • Kirby Institute UNSW – global research institute dedicated to the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.
  • Kirketon Road Centre – a walk in, targeted, primary health care service in Kings Cross, Sydney.
  • Multicultural HIV and Hepatitis Service (MHAHS) – NSW Health organisation working with culturally and linguistically diverse communities in NSW to improve the health and wellbeing of people living with HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C.
  • NSW Health – Sexual Health Plus – webpage to all state strategies, reports, policies and guidelines.
  • NSW STI Programs (STIPU) – part of the Ministry of Health, providing state-wide leadership on STI health promotion and service development and delivery.
  • NSW Users and Aids Association (NUAA) – offers education, practical support, information and advocacy to users of illicit drugs, their friends and allies.
  • Positive Life NSW – a non-profit peer led community-based agency who works to promote a positive image of people living with and affected by HIV and to provide information and targeted referrals.
  • Pozhet – provides support, information and advice to heterosexuals at risk of HIV, heterosexuals living with HIV and health professions in NSW.
  • STIGMA (Sexually Transmissible Infections in Gay Men Action Group) – aims to provide leadership and strategic direction to reduce and prevent STIs amongst gay men and men who have sex with men (MSM), including HIV positive men in the Sydney metropolitan area.
  • Sex Workers Outreach Program (SWOP) – SWOP offers free and confidential services to all people who engage in sex work in NSW.
Quality Improvement Activities

The Population Health Sexual Health and Viral Hepatitis Program aims to support general practice to increase patient participation in STI, HIV and viral hepatitis screening.

Please contact the Sexual Health & Viral Hepatitis Program Officer via for more information. Some activities can be found here. (Scroll down to ‘Sexual Health” )

Commissioned services
  • Clinical Nurse Consultant for Viral Hepatitis at Prince of Wales Hospital.

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