Child and family health

Objective: To focus on high priority groups to improve early identification and enhance access to services relating to childhood development and well-being to meet the needs of our local communities. This will be achieved through collaborations, pathways and partnerships with key stakeholders, commissioned initiatives and workforce education and training.

CESPHN recognises that child health is a key priority issue, with rates of developmentally vulnerable children higher in this region compared to the national average. The Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) measures development vulnerability through the following domains: physical health and wellbeing; social competency; emotional maturity; communication skills and general knowledge; and language and cognitive skills.  The percentage of children within CESPHN who were considered developmentally vulnerable has risen with the most vulnerability observed in the geographical locations of Kogarah- Rockdale, Hurstville, Canterbury and Botany.

For relevant clinical information, please view Sydney Healthpathways and South East Sydney Healthpathways 

Resources for health professionals ( including guidelines, template links)

Child development

Social and emotional well-being

Lifestyle and nutrition 


Information for health professionals to give to consumers
  • My Personal Health Record (Blue Book).This resource provides valuable information regarding child health and help parents track their child’s developmental milestones.
  • Milestones matter – track your child’s development : NSW Health consumer brochure
  • Love Talk Sing Read Play – a website and app for parents with information on developmental norms, and tips on how to engage with their children from birth to six years.
  • Resourcing Parents – a website for parents in NSW who are seeking information or events to help with parenting.
  • Raising Children Network – Australian parenting website funded by Australian Government
  • BeYou – Information and resources promoting mental health strategies and recommendations for addressing common mental health problems in children
  • Go4Fun – Healthy lifestyle program for kids -This is a FREE 10 week healthy lifestyle program for NSW kids aged 7-13 who are above a healthy weight. The program focuses on improving eating habits, fitness , teamwork and confidence

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander 

Key contacts and support services ( including peak bodies)
  • Bayside South ( Rockdale area or south of the airport , Georges River and Sutherland Shire LGAs : SESLHD Child and Family Health Nursing – free service staffed by Child and Family Health Nurses who offer health, development and wellbeing checks for children as well as support, education and information on all aspects of parenting.
  • Bayside North ( Botany area or north of the airport, Waverley, Woollahra, Randwick , and part of City of Sydney LGA : Sydney Children’s Network:  Early Childhood services– Free service staffed by expert Child and Family Health Nurses who monitor the growth and development of children from birth to 5 years.
  • SLHD Child and Family Health – free service staffed by Child and Family Health Nurses who offer health, development and wellbeing checks for children as well as support, education and information on all aspects of parenting.
  • SLHD Child information Link (CHL) ph 9562 5400 ( Mon- Fr 8.30-4.00pm) – this service connects parents, carers and health professionals with child and family health services, information and resources on child health and development. Contact CHL to find out how to access the right service for your patient.
  • Karitane – Charity organisation providing education and support to new parents around sleep and settling, establishing routines, feeding and nutrition, toddler behaviour and pre- and post-natal anxiety and depression.
  • Tresillian – Early parenting service offering families guidence in the early years of their child’s life
  • Family Referral Service (FRS) – Links vulnerable children in need of assistance, and their families, with the most appropriate available support services in their local areas
Quality Improvement activities
Commissioned Services

Early Intervention Community Speech Pathology Program

Services offered: The program aim to address service gaps by improving access to speech pathology assessment for socio-economically vulnerable families and other vulnerable groups such as CALD and Aboriginal families and children from families. The program involves outreach screening and assessment services to targeted playgroups and child care centres.Children will be screened and assessed by a qualified Speech Pathologist for communication difficulties and developmental delays.

Vulnerable children aged 0-5 years and their families attending playgroups, child care centres and other community settings within LHD boundaries.

Providers: There are three separate programs administered by SLHD, SESLHD and SCH speech pathology services.

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