Urgent Care Services

Urgent care services support nearby hospital emergency departments by providing GP-led care for urgent but non-life-threatening conditions such as mild infections, fractures and burns. They also offer pathology and imaging services onsite or nearby.

Urgent care services are free for Medicare card holders and community-based asylum seekers and support the community to access local, appropriate urgent care and avoid waiting at the emergency department.

Patients should be encouraged to access urgent care when they need fast medical attention for a health issue that is not life-threatening, or if they are unable to get an appointment at their local General Practitioner (GP) for a health issue which should not be left untreated.

Urgent Care Services are commissioned by primary health networks with funding from the NSW and Australian governments.  In the CESPHN region, the Australian Government is funding two Medicare Urgent Care Clinics (UCC) in Maroubra and Carlton. The New South Wales Government is funding three Urgent Care Services (UCS) in Caringbah, Belmore and Green Square.

Icons ClockIcons DoctorIcons HospitalIcons Phone
Open 7 days a week
8am – 8pm
Including public holidays
Walk-ins welcome All services are
free and confidential
Is your care is urgent?
Call Healthdirect on
1800 022 222

A range of in-person and virtual Urgent Care Services are now available in our local area to support the urgent care needs of the community.

Population Health Urgent Care Clinic Maroubra Signage
Pop Health Ucs Belmore 1
Population Health Caringbah Urgent Care Service Signage
Population Health Ucs Carlton Sign
Minns 1
Telehealth Telemedicine Care Mobile App Exam Visit Service Asia People. Worry Mom And Sick Kid Girl Ask Doctor In Video Call Talk Voip Clinic Self Cure With Cold Flu Rx Box Pill At Sofa Home Isolate.
What conditions can be treated at an Urgent Care Service?

Urgent care is medical attention that is required within 2-12 hours for an illness or injury that is not life-threatening, such as sprains, bone fractures and dislocations, insect bites, rashes, gastrointestinal illness, urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted infections, minor cuts and abrasions, minor ear and eye problems, and minor burns.

Urgent care is not a replacement for health and medical services that are managed in a regular general practice by a doctor such as general screening and health checks, vaccinations and prescriptions, mental health advice, family planning, referrals for tests, scans or specialist care, chronic disease management or preventive health procedures such as cervical screening tests.

Who operates the Urgent Care Service?

Urgent Care Services were selected through an open tender process. Local general practices were required to demonstrate their ability to meet the service specifications, including local connection to the health services. Whilst some deliver the Urgent Care Service onsite at their existing clinic, others have set up a separate satellite site in order to have sufficient rooms, patient flows for infection prevention and patient amenities.

What is the difference between Medicare Urgent Care Clinics and NSW Urgent Care Services?

The NSW Government and the Australian Government are both funding the delivery of separate services within NSW which provide urgent care. The NSW Government is delivering a range of in-person and virtual Urgent Care Services which you can access by calling Healthdirect on 1800 022 222.

The Australian Government is delivering Medicare Urgent Care Clinics which people can walk in to and wait to be seen. More information about NSW Government funded Urgent Care Services is available at: https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Hospitals/Pages/urgent-care-services.aspx

More information about Medicare Urgent Care Clinics is available at: https://www.health.gov.au/our-work/medicare-urgent-care-clinics

When are Urgent Care Services available?

Urgent Care Services are generally open from 8am to 8pm every day of the week, including on public holidays. Some virtual Urgent Care Services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Healthdirect helpline operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By calling Healthdirect on 1800 022 222 to access Urgent Care Services, people can be connected with an appropriate, available service in their location

Is there a cost to patients?

It is free for anyone to call Healthdirect on 1800 022 222 and receive information, advice or be connected with a health care service, including an Urgent Care Service. Treatment through an Urgent Care Service is free for people with a Medicare card and for community-based asylum seekers.

Some in-person Urgent Care Services also provide free x-ray and pathology (e.g. blood or urine test) services.

How do Urgent Care Services support/connect with the primary care system?

The Urgent Care System is intended to complement the role of primary care providers, by improving access to urgent care in appropriate community and virtual settings. Primary care providers are the coordinators of their patients’ healthcare, and Urgent Care Services support this by providing short-term episodic care for urgent illnesses or injuries, with referral of patients back to their primary care provider for ongoing care and care navigation.

For people who have a regular General Practitioner (GP) or are a MyMedicare patient registered with a particular General Practice, information about their use of an Urgent Care Service and the treatment they received can be securely provided to their GP to ensure any follow-up care required can be provided.

Where can I find in-language information about Urgent Care Services?

A range of in-language resources are being developed to support communication about Urgent Care Services with diverse communities. As these become available, they can be found at: https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Hospitals/Pages/urgent-care-translations.aspx

Where can I find more information?

Further information about Urgent Care Services being delivered by NSW Health is available at: https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Hospitals/Pages/urgent-care-services.aspx

Further information about Australian Government-funded Medicare Urgent Care Clinics being delivered in local communities is available at: https://www.health.gov.au/our-work/medicare-urgent-care-clinics