
Practice Incentives Program Quality Improvement Incentive (PIP QI)

The 10 Quality Improvement Measures (QIMs)

As part of PIP QI, participating practices must share the following data with CESPHN.  This data is known as the Quality Improvement Measures (QIM).

Practices must also commit to Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) that is based on data from the practice electronic medical records (EMR).

The 10 QIMs are:

  1. Proportion of patients with diabetes with a current HbA1c result
  2. Proportion of patients with a smoking status
  3. Proportion of patients with a weight classification
  4. Proportion of patients aged 65 and over who were immunised against influenza
  5. Proportion of patients with diabetes who were immunised against influenza
  6. Proportion of patients with COPD who were immunised against influenza
  7. Proportion of patients with an alcohol consumption status
  8. Proportion of patients with the necessary risk factors assessed to enable CVD assessment
  9. Proportion of female patients with an up-to-date cervical screening
  10. Proportion of patients with diabetes with a blood pressure result

Click here to view the PIP QI report walk through.

Blank Quality Improvement Activity Template

To participate in PIP QI, practices must:

  • Be an accredited practice
  • Have a data extraction tool installed in the practice (CESPHN supports Pen CAT & POLAR)
  • Share de-identified data with CESPHN
  • Sign applicable Data Management Agreements (DMAs) (Pen CAT/POLAR) and have the appropriate posters (Pen CAT/POLAR) visible in the practice
  • Register via PRODA and HPOS
  • Complete an annual confirmation statement each year
    • Note: Please inform CESPHN that you have applied for the PIP QI incentive and provide your PIP Identifier Number (PIP ID) – this is so we can assist The Department in processing payments
  • Provide the main contact person for the program including 2 email address to receive the quarterly practice progress report
  • Submit the PIP Eligible Data set to CESPHN on a quarterly basis (CESPHN will extract submission data on a monthly basis)
  • Work in partnership with CESPHN on practice relevant Quality Improvement Activities (QIA)
  • Retain evidence (for 6 years) of the QI activities you have undertaken in the practice

Quality Improvement Activities

To assist your practice in meeting the requirement to maintain evidence that CQI activities have been undertaken, we have developed a new suite of sample templates and tools for your practice to get started with as a guide. Our QIAs are based on the 10 QIMs, are classified as Level 0, 1, 2  or 3 and are designed to build on the outcomes from the lower level QIA. We welcome any feedback or suggestions you might have to improve these templates.

Level 0 – We recommend starting with these activities which will help build the team, cleanse your data to prepare you for the higher level activities and familiarise you with quality improvement terminology and processes. These will help you establish a “Person Centred” approach to your patients.

Level 1 – Can generally be carried out by non-clinical staff at the front desk and generally focus on demographics or data cleansing especially current contact details.

Level 2 –  May involve the nurse or a GP leader and require some clinical skill and access to patient files.

Level 3 – Tends to focus on patient outcomes and will require GP participation, preferably practice wide.

We will continue to develop the walkthroughs (POLAR) and recipes (Pen CAT) that will step you through the use of the extraction tools to develop the reports we refer to in the templates. Both websites have substantial resources available, and we encourage you to refer to them directly:

POLAR users: Polar Knowledge Base Walkthroughs

Pen CAT users: Pen CAT Recipes

Quality Improvement Activity Templates 

We have created a Quality Improvement Template for you to download and use:

CESPHN’s Blank Quality Improvement Activity Template (editable PDF version)

CESPHN’s Blank Quality Improvement Activity Template (Word version)

Level 0 (Getting Started):

Building the quality improvement team

Finding duplicate patients

Cleaning up the active patients registry

Improving the coding of diagnoses

Updating patient demographics

Improving the recording of patient allergy

MD – Configure user options to help maintain data quality

BP – Configure user options to help maintain data quality

Quality Improvement Measure (QIM) NoNameLevel
Diabetes (1) Find diabetics without a usual GP1
 Update the diabetic register2
 Recall patients without a HbA1c Pen CAT recipePOLAR walkthrough 3
Diabetes (5) Find diabetic patients who have not been immunised against influenza Pen CAT recipePOLAR walkthrough 3
Diabetes (10) Find diabetics without a current blood pressure resultPen CAT recipePOLAR walkthrough 2
 Find diabetics with three of less missing items to complete their cycle of care3
Smoking (2) Improve the recording of patient smoking statusPen CAT recipePOLAR walkthrough 1
 Identify pregnant women who are current smokers2
 Identify current smokers with COPD and/or CVD3
Weight (3) Improve the recording of patient BMIPen CAT recipePOLAR walkthrough1
 Find obese patients who might be eligible for a Health Assessment2
 Find patients with a BMI over 30 and are type 2 diabetic or a current smoker3
Influenza vaccination (4) Improve the recording of patients 65+ years and immunised against influenzaPen CAT recipePOLAR walkthrough2
Influenza vaccination (6) Improve the recording of patients with COPD and immunised and immunised against influenzaPen CAT recipePOLAR walkthrough2
Alcohol (7) Improve the recording of patient alcohol consumptionPen CAT recipe POLAR walkthrough1
 Reduce alcohol consumption in patients with a mental health condition2
 Reduce alcohol consumption in hypertensive patients3
CVD risk (8) Improve the recording of patients with necessary risk factors to enable CVD assessmentPen CAT recipePOLAR walkthrough3
Cervical Screening (9) Improve the cervical screening rates in female patientsPen CAT recipePOLAR walkthrough3

Department of Health and Aged Care: Practice Incentives Program Quality Improvement Incentive – Guidance

PIP QI & Data Sharing FAQ Sheet

PRODA and PIP QI – Registration manual

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