Support available for people impacted by the Bondi Junction tragedy: Read more


Resources for women and families

There is a suite of patient resources available that women may find helpful during their pregnancy at St George or Sutherland Hospital.

Mental health and wellbeing

Pregnancy and new parents – beyondblue
Information for new and expectant parents on promoting mental health and wellbeing

Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia

SMS 4 Dads


Parent Groups
St George Child and Family Health locations
Sutherland Child and Familiy Health Locations
Face-to-face feeding support
Karitane – Support and parenting advice
Tresillian – Support for new parents around breastfeeding and settling baby, as well as dealing with post-natal depression and nutrition

Other useful links

Having a Baby – NSW Ministry of Health Health
A handbook for women who are pregnant or planning a pregnancy, including information for partners and families. Available in multiple languages.
Pregnancy information and testing – NSW Health Centre for Genetics Education