The Royal Hospital for Women

ANSC program enquiries, resources and GP registration

Email:  Phone: 1300 986 991

Application Forms for GP ANSC at the Royal Hospital for Women can be downloaded from Royal Hospital website. Please contact Antenatal Shared Care liaison at the RHW for further details on
02 9382 6016 or 0417 995 153. 

Clinical advice and support

The types of calls we are expecting on the GP advice line are those that require specialist clinical advice and not calls about unstable patients or emergency situations.

Urgent Obstetric/Medical Advice

  • Delivery Suite 02 9382 6100 or 0439 869 035

Non-urgent clinical questions

  • 8am–4.30pm Monday to Friday, contact the Antenatal Shared Care Liaison Midwives Chantelle du Boisee (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) AND  Hwee Ling Lim (Thursday and Friday) on 0417 995 153, if no answer, please leave a voicemail or text message. Email:
  • If a woman presents late pregnancy, perform routine screening, e-referral and arrange an antenatal booking appointment ASAP. Contact the Antenatal Shared Care Liaison Midwife on 0417 995 153 (8am-4.30pm Monday to Friday).

More complex obstetric/medical advice

  • 8am- 4.30pm Monday to Friday, call RHW Switch on 9382 6111 and ask to speak to Team 2 / Green Obstetrics registrars for Drs Coogan, Fay, Lee and Owen OR Obstetric Medicine Physician Registrar.

After-hours and weekends

  • 02 9382 6111 and ask switch to page the O & G Registrar, if not available then ask switch to page the After-hour Nurse Manager (AHNUM) on 44020. The nurse manager (AHNUM) will take your message and identify an appropriate staff member to answer your question as soon as possible

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