
ANSC decEMBER 2024 update: St George and Sutherland hospitals

SGS clinical advice and support 

For clinical issues and escalation, contact the O&G registrar on (02) 9113 1111 page 898.

For all other concerns, contact the Midwifery Unit Manager for Antenatal Services on 9113 1111 page 582.

Progesterone Use During Pregnancy

Ensuring Pathology and Imaging results are available to the clinics

The shared care management committee for St George and Sutherland hospitals has been processing a recent review into the shared care programmes across CESPHN. Among other findings that will be worked through, was a frustration at the hospital end regarding obtaining externally ordered results.

Looking into this it is apparent that even if the ordering GP is set up to upload results to the woman’s MHR they will not be accessible to the clinic staff.

Health Link referrals may make this less of an issue but in the meantime please try to ensure your shared care women have a hard copy of all their results to take to the booking visit.

Although not ideal, the complex nature of various software not interacting and pathology providers having different systems in place for sharing results means this is the best solution for the moment.

Schedule of Visits – change from 30 weeks to 28 weeks

Please view the updated schedule of visits, from the 30-week appointment at the Antenatal Clinic to 28 weeks.