Healthy information | Healthy lifestyle programs and resources |
Australian Guide to Healthy Eating – Department of Health The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating is a food selection guide which visually represents the proportion of the five food groups recommended for consumption each day. |
A free 8-week online healthy lifestyle program and personal health coaching for adolescents, to improve their physical activity and eating habits and to live healthier lifestyles. This program is funded by Central and Eastern Sydney PHN and delivered by the Better Health Company who are also the provider of the Go4Fun program across NSW. |
Australia’s Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines – Department of Health The website contains Australia’s Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines including links to brochures, a summary fact sheet for each of the guidelines, tips and ideas for how to be physically active, as well as evidence review reports. |
Get Healthy Information and Coaching Service – NSW Health The Get Healthy Information and Coaching Service is a FREE, confidential phone coaching service which supports participants to reach personalised lifestyle goals relating to healthy eating, increasing physical activity, alcohol reduction, healthy weight or achieving a healthy weight gain in pregnancy. |
Australian guidelines to reduce health risks from drinking alcohol – Department of Health The website contains the national guidelines and information to assist Australians in making an informed choice about the amount of alcohol that they consume. |
Go4Fun is a free 10 week healthy lifestyle program supporting 7-13 year old children who are above a healthy weight and their families to adopt a long term healthy lifestyle. |
The guide is to assist primary care providers to work with patients on the lifestyle risk factors of smoking, nutrition, alcohol and physical activity (SNAP). The guide does not specifically examine risk factors in children and adolescents. |
There are many ways to be physically active, but walking is the number one activity Australian adults do on a regular basis. |
Behavioural and biomedical risk factors – AIHW The webpage provides a useful table that lists selected chronic diseases and their known behavioural and biomedical risk factors. |
Quitline is a free, confidential and individually tailored telephone information and counselling which helps people with preparing to quit smoking, avoiding setbacks, and staying committed to quitting. |
BMI Calculator – Heart Foundation This is an online tool to calculate the body mass index (BMI) and suggested healthy weight range for adults. |
Active and Healthy – NSW Health he Active and Healthy website is an online directory of local physical activity programs for older people. It also provides useful falls related information to assist people to reduce their fall risks. |
The webpage provides brief information about health literacy and strategies for healthcare providers and consumers to work better towards understanding of the consumer’s health. |
SHARE is a not-for-profit organisation that provides a range of exercise classes for residents aged above 50, living in South Eastern Sydney, South West Sydney and the Illawarra area. SHARE is supported by NSW Health and the classes are run by fitness leaders who are registered and accredited by Fitness Australia |
Healthy Kids for Professionals – NSW Health The website provides weight management resources that help health professionals to: