From January 2023 CESPHN has commissioned service providers to deliver care finder services throughout the Central and Eastern Sydney region. These providers will focus on connecting some of the most vulnerable individuals in our community to aged care and other services through localised face to face support.

Services will assist individuals aged 65 and over and Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Peoples aged 50 years and over who would not be able to arrange services without intensive support and who would otherwise be at risk of falling through the cracks.

Eligibility for Care Finders

The care finder service is not available for everyone. It exists specifically to support vulnerable older people who need intensive support to access aged care services and support.

To receive care finder support, a person must:

  • have no carer or support person who can help them, or
  • not have a carer or support person they feel comfortable or trust to support them, and
  • be eligible for government-funded aged care (use the Eligibility checker to learn more).

In addition, they should have one or more of these reasons for needing intensive support:

    • have difficulty communicating because of language or literacy problems

    • find it difficult to understand information and make decisions

    • be reluctant to engage with aged care or government

    • be in an unsafe situation if they do not receive services.
Care Finder Process

If someone requires care finder support, then a local organisation can connect them with a dedicated care finder.

The care finder will visit them, usually in person. This can be at their home or another place they would like to meet. They will ask questions to understand the person’s situation and support them to work through the steps to address their needs.

Benefits of Care Finders

Care finders can help vulnerable older people navigate the aged care system and find support services to improve their quality of life. Care finders can help with both accessing services for the first time and changing or finding new services and supports.

They can help someone with:

    • talking to My Aged Care on their behalf and arranging an assessment

    • attending and providing support at the assessment

    • finding and short-listing aged care providers in their area

    • completing forms and understanding aged care service agreements

    • checking-in once services are up and running to make sure everything is OK

    • solving other challenges and connecting to supports in the community, such as health, mental health, housing and homelessness, drug and alcohol services and community groups.

Contacting a care finder organisation

Care finder services are available in 12 LGA’s in the CESPHN region. The following nine organisations provide care finder services within the CESPHN region.

All care finders can help people from all backgrounds. Specialty focus means this is the main group helped:

OrganisationReferral phone / emailLocations servedSpecialty focus*
Advance Diversity Services Phone: (02) 9136 4780 
Bayside (West), Georges River, SutherlandCALD
Anglicare SydneyPhone: 1300 111 278
Bayside (East), Randwick, Waverley, WoollahraPeople who are homeless or at risk of homelessness  
CASS Care LtdPhone: (02) 9789 4587 
Burwood, Canterbury, Inner West, Strathfield, SydneyCALD
Catholic Healthcare Limited Phone: 1800 571 244
SydneyPeople who are homeless or at risk of homelessness 
Hammondcare Phone: 1800 826 166
Bayside (East), Georges River,  SutherlandPeople who are homeless or at risk of homelessness
Kurranulla Aboriginal Corporation   Phone: (02) 9528 0287
SutherlandAboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people
Sydney Local Health District Phone: (02) 9767 6050 
Burwood, Canada Bay, Inner West, Strathfield
The Benevolent Society Phone: 1800 236 762 
Bayside, Burwood, Canada Bay, Canterbury, Georges River, Inner West, Randwick, Strathfield, Sutherland, Sydney, Waverley, WoollahraPeople who are homelessness or at risk of homelessness
Uniting NSW.ACT  Phone: 1800 411 817
Bayside, Burwood, Canada Bay, Canterbury, Georges River, Inner West, Randwick, Strathfield, Sutherland, Sydney, Waverley, WoollahraPeople who are homelessness or at risk of homelessness

Central Intake

If you are still unsure of which care finder service to contact or require further support you can call 1800 346 337 for assistance (Mon-Fri, 8:30am – 4:30pm).

To make a referral to the care finder service on behalf of yourself, a client, or somebody you know please complete this web referral form  and a member of the CESPHN care finder network will contact you to connect you to an appropriate care finder in your region.

For any further enquiries please contact the CESPHN Care Finder team at

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