
SafeHaven – a safe alternative to a Hospital Emergency Department


SafeHaven is a friendly, compassionate place with no judgement. If you or someone you care for is experiencing emotional distress, such as thoughts of suicide, and would like support, SafeHavens are available.

Many people have times in their life where they experience distress and thoughts of suicide. People may be feeling very alone and wanting social connections or might simply want a place to go where people understand. Often when people feel suicidal the only place to visit outside business hours is a Hospital Emergency Department. 


Everyone 16 years and over.

Sydney Children’s Hospital Randwick supports children aged 16 years and younger.

Service Provider Details
ProviderAddressOpening HoursContact
St Vincent’s Health NetworkDarlinghurst – St Vincent’s O’Brien Centre, 390 Victoria Street5pm – 8.30pm Wednesday to Friday
and 12pm – 4pm Saturday and Sunday
South Eastern Sydney LHDKogarah – Kirk Place, Unit 1-2, Ground Floor, 15 Kensington Street5pm – 9pm Thursday to TuesdayEmail:
Phone: (02) 9113-2981
Sydney LHDNewtown – 168 Missenden Road10am – 4 pm Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Email:
Phone: (02) 9562-5830
Sydney Children’s Hospital NetworkRandwick – C1 East, Level 1, Sydney Children’s Hospital12pm – 5pm Monday to FridayEmail:
Phone: 0439 387 939

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