
Provider Connect Australia™ – helping healthcare providers stay connected

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As the end of the financial year approaches, everyone becomes busy, and paperwork starts to mount up.

Keeping your business details up-to-date doesn’t have to become a paper burden anymore with Provider Connect Australia™ (also known as PCA™) a free initiative of the Australian Digital Health Agency (the Agency).

PCA™, allows you to update your business information and choose to automatically send those updates to your connected business partners such as:

• Healthcare directories, booking and review services

• Primary Health Networks

• Professional bodies and associations

• Public health services

• Secure messaging and information exchanges

As key change enabler of the National Digital Health Strategy, PCA™ provides a secure, fit for purpose and connected digital solution designed to improving overall accuracy whilst maintaining information about services and practitioners.

Long term, PCA™ will save time, reduce human error, and remove the hassle of filling out multiple forms.

APodA Joins PCA™

One year after its launch, PCA™ continues to make significant strides in supporting Australia’s healthcare landscape.

The Australian Podiatry Association (APodA) has become the first peak body to register for PCA™, marking a milestone achievement for the service.

Joining healthcare technology company Foxo, APodA’s registration underscores the crucial role of PCA™ in streamlining relationships between healthcare providers and removing administrative burdens.

According to Australian Digital Health Agency Acting CEO Peter O’Halloran, the inclusion of APodA highlights the broader impact of PCA™: “Our initial focus has been on supporting GPs and pharmacies to register, however they are not the only healthcare providers that face large amounts of paperwork whenever health professionals join or leave their employment.”

Health Hunter

For those that are looking to connect with preventative and wellness healthcare providers such as doctors, specialists or allied health practitioners, Health Hunter has recently joined PCA™ as a business partner.

As a digital health platform their mission is to “connect patients with a network of leading preventative health and chronic illness providers, apps, and services – including the ability to search by specific health concerns (i.e autoimmune disorders, mental health, endometriosis, gut issues).

How to Register and Stay Informed

You can self-register with PCA™ in your own time.

Visit digitalhealth.gov.au/pca to learn more about:

• How it works

• How to register

• Its growing network of participating business partners

The Agency also offers a dedicated support team that can assist you with registering for PCATM, they can be contacted on (02) 6223 0741 option 3 or via email MyHealthRecordConnections@digitalhealth.gov.au