
Active and Healthy Exercise Classes

The Active and Healthy website is designed to provide a high-quality on-line directory of physical activity programs in NSW, and to provide evidence-based information for older adults on the benefits of physical activity and opportunities to increase physical activity in their everyday life.

Use the Active and Healthy website to identify exercise programs available in your local area that suit your needs and can improve your general fitness and help build your strength and balance.

Search for an exercise program in your area

Please click here to search for an exercise program in your area: https://www.activeandhealthy.nsw.gov.au/program

Healthy and Active For Life Online

What is Active and Healthy Online?

Healthy and Active for Life Online is a FREE 10-week healthy lifestyle program for adults aged 60 years* and over. Each 10-week program begins at the start of the school term.

How does it work?

The program is delivered online, in the comfort of your own home, by logging in to your online account where you complete the weekly healthy lifestyle modules and exercises classes.

To register and find out more about the Healthy and Active for Life Online program visit: https://www.activeandhealthy.nsw.gov.au/home/healthy-and-active-for-life-online/

Information for Exercise Providers

Sign up as a Program Provider on the Active and Healthy website

To register new programs or edit existing ones, you need to sign up to the Active and Healthy website as a program provider, where you can then login and use your provider details and manage your programs. Note, if you run more than one program, it will be necessary for you to register each one separately.

To sign up and register your programs, please click here: https://www.activeandhealthy.nsw.gov.au/information-for-health-professionals/register/

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