
Central and Eastern Sydney Regional Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan

Through the National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Agreement bilateral schedule, the Commonwealth and New South Wales government have acknowledged the importance of regional planning to identify local communities’ specific mental health support needs.

As a joint plan, this Regional Plan commits the Central and Eastern Sydney PHN, Sydney Local Health District, South-Eastern Sydney Local Health District, St. Vincent’s Health Network and the Sydney Children’s Hospital to collaborate to achieve integration in planning and service delivery. Joining this consortium in developing and implementing the Regional Plan are the peak bodies for people with lived experience (Being NSW), for carers (NSW Mental Health Carers), and for community-managed organisations (the Mental Health Coordinating Council).

This Regional Plan established a platform from which we will engage with other key agencies and stakeholders to work together and combine resources to pursue shared priorities identified by the community.

The Regional Plan 2024-26 was submitted to the Department of Health and Aged Care on 7 March 2024 and you can find a copy of the Plan here.

If you have further questions, require further information, or would like to be involved please email: regionalplan@cesphn.com.au


The Fifth National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan established an expectation to develop joint regional mental health and suicide prevention plans by Primary Health Networks, Local Health Districts and Specialty Health Networks.

This aimed to improve mental health, physical health, and wellbeing of people with or at risk of mental health issues or at risk of suicide.

With out partners we developed the foundational plan for our region, known as The Central and Eastern Sydney Regional Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan 2019-2022 (the Regional Plan 2019-2022). This plan had a three-year focus with implementation concluding on 30 June 2022.

Despite the difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, substantial progress was made against the ninety-seven actions of the Regional Plan. Either-four percent of these actions have been completed or were substantially progressed. Through this implementation process, we have seen successful developments in the provision of mental healthcare resources, tools, and services. Importantly, CESPHN and its partners have formed strong and outcome-driven partnerships.

You can read a copy of the Regional Plan 2019-2022 here.

You can also read the full Implementation Report and Implementation Evaluation Report.


Since our launch in October 2019, we have been working collaboratively to implement the regional plan. We asked some of our members to share their experiences: 


“I’ve really enjoyed being involved as a lived experience representative in two of the working groups for the Regional Plan (Communications, Access, Pathways, Partnerships, Promotions – “CAPPP” and Headstart). I’m really passionate about supporting and promoting mental health and wellbeing within my local community, and so being able to contribute via these two working groups has been really rewarding. I’ve also enjoyed meeting and working with the other amazing group members. Thank you to CESPHN for the opportunities.”

Candice Fuller
Lived Experience Representative


“I am honoured to be a ‘lived experience’ representative on the PHN Regional Plan. As a carer I feel I have been really listened to and I have been very much involved in the co-design process with the PHN on this project.  

It is a wonderful opportunity to help build a regional plan that is designed to assist everyone, carers, consumers and clinicians, right from the grass roots level.  I believe people in the region are privileged to have such a pro-active and caring PHN and I am looking forward to the completion and rollout of this important project.”

Lyn Anderson
Lived Experience Representative


“I feel grateful to be a part of a working group of members who are so passionate, respectful, supportive, and collaborative. Not only have I been able to share my experiences and thoughts towards matters that are close to my heart, but I have alsobeen able to learn, listen and understand the experiences and thoughts of others.

These opportunities to listen and discusshave the power to positively create change for my people and I am thankful for this opportunity.”

Natasha  Janif
Community Representative


The Regional Plan for Central and Eastern Sydney is a joint initiative and overseen by a Steering Committee comprised of representatives from:

Key stakeholders from the primary and secondary care sector, sector peak bodies, community managed organisations, lived experience representatives and community representatives are members of the various committees, subcommittees and working groups that are responsible for the implementation of Regional Plan actions.

Regional Plan Implementation Reports
Report Working Group Responsible Overview

One Year On – Central and Eastern Sydney Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Regional Plan Video Report

Steering Committee & Implementation Committee

A video report highlighting the success and challenges of our first year of implementing the Regional Plan.

One Year On – Central and Eastern Sydney Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Regional Plan Infographic  

Steering Committee & Implementation Committee

A visual summary of key achievements from the first year of implementing the Regional Plan

Two Years On – Central and Eastern Sydney Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Regional Plan Implementation Report Card

Steering Committee & Implementation Committee

A visual summary of key achievements from the second year of implementing the Regional Plan

Implementation Report 2019 – 2022

Steering Committee & Implementation Committee

A final project report summarising the implementation of Phase 1 of joint regional planning.

Implementation Evaluation Report 2019-2022

Steering Committee & Implementation Committee

A final project report exploring the lessons learned in Phase 1 of joint regional planning.

Resources Developed as Part of the Regional Plan
Reasource Working Group Responsible Overview

Active Waitlist Management Guide

Communications, Access, Pathways, and Promotion Working Group

This best practice guide has been developed to ensure that primary mental health services have the tools and information to effectively respond to demand.

Governance and TOR: Phase 1 of Regional Planning

Steering Committee & Implementation Committee

The Governance and Terms of Reference for the seven committees and working groups involved in the Regional Plan during Phase 1. 

Orientation Pack for Lived Experience Representatives

Steering Committee & Implementation Committee

A handbook for lived experience representatives joining the committees and working groups of the Regional Plan.

Learning to Support Our Community – Mental Health CPD Resources 

Workforce and Training Working Group

This resource was developed to improve access to information about relevant continuing professional development for the mental health, suicide prevention, and broader health and community workforces.

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