


This best practice guide has been developed to ensure that primary mental health services have the tools and information to effectively respond to demand.
This guide aims to:

  1.  Provide service providers with practical and implementable strategies for responding to demand and best practice management of waitlists.
  2. Improve access to timely and appropriate care and support for individuals seeking mental health services.
  3. Promote and support improved use of resources available across the Central and Eastern Sydney mental health sector.

Use the guide at your workplace now: Active Waitlist Management Guide


Alcohol and Other Drug Language Guide
The purpose of this resource is to provide workers with guidelines on how to use language to empower clients and reinforce a person-centered approach.

Recovery-Oriented Language Guide
This Mental Health Recovery Oriented Language Guide aims primarily to align with trauma-informed care and practice language approaches, introduce age-related language use and promote the use of supported decision-making language.

Talking about Suicide: A Guide To Language
MindFrame guide to promote a positive shift in the terminology used to discuss suicide

Trans and Gender Diverse Inclusion Language Guide
The guide explains key terms and offers examples of language that can help us build safer, more inclusive environments for trans and gender diverse communities.

Demonstrating Inclusive and Respective Language Guide
Given the diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and identities across Australia, you should always seek advice from your Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders regarding preferences and protocols around terminology. Please consider these guidelines, alongside guidance from your Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders.


K10 assessment form
K10 is widely recommended as a simple measure of psychological distress and as a measure of outcomes following treatment for common mental health disorders.

National Guidance Initial and Assessment Referral for mental healthcare
This Guidance has been developed by the Australian Department of Health to provide advice to Primary Health Networks (PHNs) on establishing effective systems for the initial assessment and referral of individuals presenting with mental health conditions in primary health care settings.

Suicide prevention – Safety Plan
Assists health professionals or support person and individuals to work together in planning out safety procedures during tough times.

YES Survey
Designed to gather information from consumers about their experiences of care.

Physical Health and Mental Health

CESPHN understands the importance of improving the physical health of people living with mental illness as part of person-centred health care.

The following resources may be of benefit to people living with mental illness, their carers, and supporters, clinicians, and service leaders:

Equally Well

The Equally Well website has been designed to promote collaboration, awareness and sharing of resources to help improve the physical health of people living with mental illness. It is designed for people living with mental illness, their carers, and supporters, clinicians, and service leaders.

NSW Health – Physical health care for people living with mental health issues

The NSW Health website has been designed to support clinicians and service leaders to implement the Physical Health Care for People Living with Mental Health Issues Guidelines.

Physical Health Conversation Guide

The conversation guide has been designed to assist conversations about physical health. It is for people living with mental illness, their carers, and supporters.


What can you do for your client’s wellbeing while they are waiting for their first specialist mental health appointment?

What can you do actively to manage their wellbeing and help them prepare for their first appointment?

The “While You Wait” suite of resources has been co-designed to help GPs actively manage their client’s wellbeing while they wait for their first specialist mental health appointment.

The resource suite includes:

While You Wait

A Conversation Guide for GP’s.

A conversation guide for GP to help them unpack their clients’ needs and start developing a plan.

Making Your Time Count

A patient handout.

An electronic or printed pdf. document that an individual can complete to develop a plan for while they wait for their first specialist mental health appointment.

Helping You to Support Them

Additional Resources for GP’s.

Additional resources for GPs including information on how to access CESPHN services to support GPs.

Youth Mental Health Referral Guide
GP Psychiatry Support Line

20230406 Clinicalservices Gppsychiatrysupportline

The GP Psychiatry Support Line is an initiative that was funded by CESPHN and other PHNs in NSW from 2018 until 30 June, 2023. The Department of Health now funds this service nationally and the phone line is available to all Australian-based GPs.

The support line provides GPs with free, instant advice from a psychiatrist. During the calls you can cover topics such as medication, diagnosis, and treatment plans. You can call as often as you need.

Staffed by psychiatrists, the Psychiatry Support Line was established in July 2018 in response to GPs indicating they would like timely access to psychiatry expertise. It’s not about triaging or referring consumers to a psychiatrist, but rather ensuring that consumers can be treated within primary care, under the guidance of their GP.

Registration for the GP Psychiatry Support line takes 2 minutes.

You’ll need your AHPRA Registration Number, and practice details.

Visit www.gpsupport.org.au or call 1800 16 17 18

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