Update your practice details using Provider Connect Australia

Provider Connect Australia™ (PCA) is an efficient way to update the business details of GPs and other healthcare providers moving in and out of your practice.

The free PCA, an initiative of the Australian Digital Health Agency, provides a single place to update your business information and serviceswhich can automatically update your National Health Service Directory listing and your local Primary Health Network.

This ensures your information is correct and saves you time by reducing the duplication required if you had to manually inform all your business partners when changes occur at your practice.

Your business partners not using Provider Connect Australia?

PCA is working to add business partners.

If your business partners are not using PCA, let them know they can contact pca@digitalhealth.gov.au to get signed up to start receiving updates about changes at your practice.

How to sign up

Follow the steps from this guide Provider Connect Australia – Register or contact CESPHN’s Digital Health team at digitalhealth@cesphn.com.au  for assistance.

Publication date: 16 January 2025