
Immunisation – RACFs

Older adults living in Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACFs) are often at higher risk for developing complications from communicable diseases such as influenza, COVID-19, RSV and Pneumococcal disease. This page contains immunisation information and resources for both RACF staff and residents.
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In preparation for 2024 influenza season, NSW Health have developed an information sheet for RACFs: Tips to prepare for the 2024 Flu program

Other resources:

Use of Tamiflu in residential aged care

Influenza in residential aged care, disability care and home care facilities

Resource pack for residential aged care: This collection contains resources for RACFs relating to COVID-19 vaccination, including consent process flowchart, checklist for vaccine clinic planning and consent forms.

Communication Toolkit: Summary of latest recommendations on COVID-19 vaccination doses for RACF residents

Factsheet: Information for residents and families on COVID-19 Vaccination and antiviral treatments


Residential aged care services should report to the Commonwealth on COVID-19 outbreaks or exposures through the COVID-19 Support Portal, which is accessed through the My Aged Care Provider Portal

FAQ for residential aged care providers: How to access and use the COVID-19 Support Portal

How to: report COVID-19 outbreaks in residential aged care through the COVID-19 Support Portal

Process: for providers to report COVID-19 outbreak/exposure in residential aged care

If you are experiencing any issues with ordering through the portal, please call the My Aged Care Service Provider Helpline on 1800 836 799.

The Vax at Home program has now finished. CESPHN is working with immunisation providers to ensure everyone in the CESPHN region has access to recommended vaccinations. For further enquiries, please contact immunisation@cesphn.com.au

UPDATE: The Vax at Home Program will cease 30 September 2024. The last day for GP referrals for housebound patients that need a COVID-19 vaccine or booster, will be Wednesday, 18 September 2024. Further information can be found here.

To receive immunisation news, subscribe to CESPHN’s Sydney Health Weekly, which contains a weekly Immunisation updates. See past Immunisation updates here

SUBSCRIBE NOW to our Immunisation email updates via Sydney Health Weekly.