Immunisations are one of the most successful public health interventions to exist. However, vaccines must be stored correctly to remain effective and protect our community.
Introduction to Cold Chain Management summary provides a quick summary of what your vaccination site needs in order to abide by cold chain management best practice and thereby protect the safety of our community.
All immunisation providers in Australia must adhere to the National Vaccine Storage guidelines. Below is only a quick summary of essential cold chain management components, please refer to the guidelines for further information.
☐ Twice daily: manually record min/max/current fridge temperature. Use the Strive for 5 temp chart or to order a PHN temperature booklet, email
☐ Weekly: download data logger 5-minutely temperature reports, review for cold chain breaches and report to PHU if applicable.
☐ Yearly: self-audit checklist, including fridge service and ice slurry test.
Records must be kept for at least 7 years (see below)
☐ Vaccine specific fridge: must be used to store vaccines and organised neatly (see here for a guide). This should have a Min/Max/Current temperature display.
☐ Data logger: is required for each vaccine fridge, set to record temperature at 5 minute intervals.
☐ Labelled open weave baskets: with the vaccines stored in original packaging (Strive for 5, p38). Labels can be ordered free from NSW Health.
☐ Min/max thermometer: is required for each backup cooler.
☐ Vaccine cooler: to have on hand in case of power outage as a part of power failure backup plan (see below).
☐ Vaccine management protocol: Strive for 5 Appendix 1 outlines the necessary components, including cold chain breach procedure.
☐ Power failure backup plan: This is the part of the Vaccine Management Protocol which outlines instructions on what to do in the event of a power outage.
☐ Training: NSW providers must also complete the HETI online Cold Chain Training module
(at least 2 staff members must complete this, however strongly recommended that ALL staff members complete this training).
Review NSW Health Cold Chain Toolkit guidelines, complete the NSW Health Vaccine Storage Checklist and review NSW Health website for Vaccine storage for further resources. See below for more information regarding specific equipment.